

Constituita in 2008, asociatia isi propune sa actioneze pentru:

  • Promovarea tuturor activitatilor cu caracter social, atat cele care vin in sprijinul persoanelor defavorizate cat si actiuni ce privesc protectia mediului si protectia animalelor
  • Promovarea turismului in zona Vaii Trotusului, o zona cu un potential turistic insuficient valorificat
  • Inregistrarea si promovarea produselor traditionale din gastronomia locala
  • Informarea, consilierea si organizarea de activitati menite sa ajute persoanele defavorizate sa gaseasca un loc de munca, sa inceapa o afacere pe cont propriu sau sa acceseze fonduri europene


Constituted in 2008, the association aims to act to:

  • Promoting all social activities with both those in support of disadvantaged people and actions concerning environmental protection and animal welfare
  • Promoting tourism in the Trotus Valley, an area with tourism potential insufficiently known
  • Registration and promoting goods of traditional local cuisine
  • Information, counseling and organizing activities to help disadvantaged people find a job, start a business on his own or to access European funding